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How the Jewish Calendar Was Born?
The first commandment given to the Jewish people as they were about to leave Egypt was the mitzvah of sanctifying the new moon. This...

He argued with G-d and turned out to be right!
In today’s episode of the Jewish Perspective podcast you will learn: What concerns did Moses have? Why did G-d perform exactly 3 miracles for...

When did Levites have to join the battle?
The Levites, one of the 12 tribes of Israel, were set apart for religious duties and had a unique position in Jewish society. But...

How to Deal Better with Difficult Times?
Josef, Rambam, and the Maharam of Rothenburg all faced incredibly difficult lives. Yet, in times of hardship, they always had a choice: to let...

Why Does Judaism Have Four Matriarchs?
In this episode, we explore the story of Leah, a woman who was initially seen as less than ideal but transformed into a person...

Where Are the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel? – Most Popular Replay of 2024
In this replay of our most popular episode of 2024, we explore the mystery of the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel. Where did they...